working papers
Learning About Outgroups: The Impact of Broad Versus Deep
w/ Anujit Chakraborty, Arkadev Ghosh, Matt Lowe
We hypothesize that contact, involving brief interactions with multiple
outgroup members, and contact, meaning longer interactions with a single
outgroup member, play distinct roles in shaping intergroup relations. We
set up a factory in India and recruited Hindu and Muslim men to work in
pairs on joint production tasks. We randomly assigned participants to
work either with the same ingroup or outgroup partner daily (deep
contact), a different outgroup partner each day (broad contact), or to a
control group. While deep contact strengthens social and economic ties
with the outgroup partner interacted with, only broad contact reduces
misperceptions about outgroup strangers. These findings align with a
model in which independent sampling (observing multiple outgroup
members) promotes learning about outgroups more than prolonged
interaction with a single individual does. Nevertheless, neither type of
contact changes behavior toward the wider outgroup.
& appendix
Poverty and Prejudice Before Genocide
w/ Constant Courtin, Michael Weaver
R&R, Journal of Conflict
Genocides rank among the darkest episodes in our history. What drives
prejudice against targeted outgroups in the lead-up to mass killings? We
theorize the role played by democratization, ethnoreligious threat
perceptions, and economic discontent in generating antiminority hatred.
We assess these factors’ predictive strength using a new 22,000-person
survey of Islamophobia in Myanmar, fielded shortly before the 2017
ethnic cleansing of the country’s Muslim Rohingya population.
Integrating survey responses with administrative data, events data, and
geodata, we document a robust association between poverty and
anti-Muslim attitudes among members of Myanmar’s Buddhist majority. The
relationship holds ecologically and by individual. Further tests point
to scapegoating rather than resource competition as the most plausible
mechanism. Other commonly cited drivers of intolerance receive little
empirical support. By leveraging a critical contemporary case, our paper
sheds light on the material foundations of polarized social preferences
in settings at high risk of intergroup violence.
& appendix
in progress
House of Castes: A School-Level Experiment on Intergroup
Relations in India
w/ Arkadev Ghosh, Matt Lowe, Meghna Sinha Ray, Johny Tom Varghese
Political Trolling
w/ Federica Izzo
The Returns to Hiding Identity
w/ Anujit Chakraborty, Arkadev Ghosh, Matt Lowe
Stages of Change: A Theater-Based Intervention to Build
Social Cohesion
w/ Arkadev Ghosh, Matt Lowe
Creating Cohesive Communities: A Youth Camp Experiment in
w/ Arkadev Ghosh, Prerna Kundu, Matt Lowe
Review of Economic Studies
Non-family-based institutions for socializing young people may play a
vital role in creating close-knit, inclusive communities. We study the
potential for youth camps—integrating rituals, sports, and civics
training—to strengthen intergroup cohesion. We randomly assigned Hindu
and Muslim adolescent boys, from West Bengal, India, to two-week camps
or to a pure control arm. To isolate mechanisms, we cross-randomized
collective rituals (such as singing the national anthem, wearing
uniforms, chanting support during matches, and synchronous dancing) and
the intensity of intergroup contact. We find that camps reduce ingroup
bias, increase willingness to interact with outgroup members, and
enhance psychological well-being. Campers continue to have more than
twice as many outgroup friends than control participants one year after
the camps ended. Meanwhile, additional camp elements have heterogeneous
effects: rituals have more positive impacts for the Hindu majority than
the Muslim minority, while higher intergroup contact backfires among
Hindus but not Muslims. Our findings demonstrate that inclusive youth
camps may be a powerful tool for bridging deep social divides. Yet, we
also highlight the conceptual challenges in crafting optimal integrative
camps that help all groups.
& appendix
[article] The Electoral Consequences of Mass Religious Events:
India’s Kumbh Mela
w/ Siddhartha Baral, Michael Weaver
American Journal of Political
Science (Forthcoming)
Mass ritualized gatherings like pilgrimages are central to religious
practice globally. Do they generate votes for religious parties? The
events may heighten religiosity, enlarging support for parties seen as
owning religious policy issues. Such parties might also co-opt the
events to organize and campaign. We evaluate the electoral impact of
India’s Kumbh Mela, a Hindu festival considered the world’s biggest
human assembly, leveraging its astrologically determined timing combined
with districts’ proximity by rail to the festival sites. The Kumbh Mela
boosts Hindu nationalists’ vote share. Mechanisms tests suggest it does
so by increasing religious orthodoxy—seen in the adoption of Brahminical
dietary practices—and by strengthening Hindu nationalist party
infrastructure. Communal violence is unaffected, but the events are
electorally polarizing; they cause India’s main secular-leaning party to
perform better in regions with denser concentrations of religious
minorities. Our study offers a new account of how confessional parties
make inroads in multiethnic democracies.
& appendix
[article] Election Cycles and Global Religious
Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences (2022; v120/1)
Mass elections are key mechanisms for collective decision-making. But
they are also blamed for creating inter-group enmity, particularly while
they are underway; politicians use polarizing campaign strategies, and
losing sides feel resentful and marginalized after results are
announced. I investigate the impact of election proximity—that is,
closeness to elections in time—on social cleavages related to religion,
a salient form of group identity worldwide. Integrating data from ~1.2
million respondents across 25 cross-country survey series, I find no
evidence that people interviewed shortly before or after national
elections are more likely to express negative attitudes toward religious
outgroups than those interviewed at other times. Subgroup analysis
reveals little heterogeneity, including by levels of political
competition. Generalized social trust, too, is unaffected by election
calendars. Elections may not pose as great a risk to social cohesion as
is commonly feared.
| si
| data
[article] Rethinking the Study of Electoral Politics in the
Developing World: Reflections on the Indian Case
w/ Adam Auerbach, Jennifer Bussell, Simon Chauchard, Francesca
Jensenius, Mark Schneider, Neelanjan Sircar, Pavithra Suryanarayan,
Tariq Thachil, Milan Vaishnav, Rahul Verma, Adam Ziegfeld
Perspectives on Politics (2022;
v20/n1; p250-64)
In the study of electoral politics and political behavior in the
developing world, India is often considered to be an exemplar of the
centrality of contingency in distributive politics, the role of
ethnicity in shaping political behavior, and the organizational weakness
of political parties. Whereas these axioms have some empirical basis,
the massive changes in political practices, the vast variation in
political patterns, and the burgeoning literature on subnational
dynamics in India mean that such generalizations are not tenable. In
this article, we consider research on India that compels us to rethink
the contention that India neatly fits the prevailing wisdom in the
comparative politics literature. Our objective is to elucidate how the
many nuanced insights about Indian politics can improve our
understanding of electoral behavior both across and within other
countries, allowing us to question core assumptions in theories of
comparative politics.
[article] Overcoming the Political Exclusion of Migrants: Theory
and Experimental Evidence from India
American Political Science
Review (2021; v115/n4; p1129–46)
w/ Nikhar Gaikwad
Honorable mention for the 2022 Lawrence Longley Award by the
Representation and Electoral Systems Section of the American Political
Science Association, for the best article published in the previous
Migrants are politically marginalized in cities of the developing world,
participating in destination-area elections less than local-born
residents. We theorize three reasons for this shortfall: migrant’s
socio-economic links to origin regions; bureaucratic obstacles to
enrollment that disproportionately burden newcomers; and ostracism by
anti-migrant politicians. We randomized a door-to-door drive to
facilitate voter registration among internal migrants to two Indian
cities. Ties to origin regions do not predict willingness to become
registered locally. Meanwhile, assistance navigating the electoral
bureaucracy increased migrant registration rates by 24 percentage points
and substantially boosted next-election turnout. An additional treatment
arm informed politicians about the drive in a subset of localities;
rather than ignoring new migrant voters, elites amplified campaign
efforts in response. We conclude that onerous registration requirements
impede the political incorporation, and thus the wellbeing, of migrant
communities in fast-urbanizing settings. The findings also matter for
assimilating naturalized yet politically excluded cross-border
pre-analysis plan |
[article] Do Politicians Discriminate Against Internal Migrants?
Evidence from Nationwide Field Experiments in India
w/ Nikhar Gaikwad
American Journal of Political
Science (2021; v65/n4; p790-806)
Rural-to-urban migration is reshaping the economic and social landscape
of the Global South. Yet migrants often struggle to integrate into
cities. We conduct countrywide audit experiments in India to test
whether urban politicians discriminate against internal migrants in
providing constituency services. Signaling that a citizen is a city
newcomer, as opposed to a long-term resident, causes incumbent
politicians to be significantly less likely to respond to requests for
help. Standard “nativist” concerns do not appear to explain this
representation gap. We theorize that migrants are structurally disposed
to participate in destination-area elections at lower rates than
long-term residents. Knowing this, reelection minded politicians decline
to cater to migrant interests. Follow-up experiments support the
hypothesis. We expect our findings to generalize to fast-urbanizing
democracies, with implications for international immigration too.
Policywise, mitigating migrants’ de facto disenfranchisement should
improve their welfare.
& appendix |
data | coverage:
[article] Does Electing Islamists Increase Religious Violence
and Intolerance?
British Journal of Political
Science (2021; v51/n3; p1340-47)
w/ Nicholas Kuipers, Michael Weaver
We estimate the effect of incumbency by Islamist parties on the
incidence of religious violence and intolerance in Indonesia, exploiting
discontinuities in the proportional representation system used to
allocate seats in district legislative elections—the most local tier of
parliamentary government. We find that the presence of additional
Islamist (as opposed to secular nationalist) legislators exacerbates
religious conflict according to certain measures. There is no evidence
that Islamist rule affects average attitudes toward religious minorities
among majority-group survey respondents, although it does increase
expressions of extreme intolerance. Social emboldening may underlie
these effects, as Islamist incumbency appears to boost the perceived
acceptability of holding intolerant worldviews. The results shed light
on the consequences of having extremist parties gain a share in local
data |
pre-analysis plan |
[book] Information, Accountability, and Cumulative Learning:
Lessons from Metaketa I
Cambridge University Press
co-edited w/ Thad Dunning, Guy Grossman, Susan Hyde, Macartan Humphreys,
Craig McIntosh
Winner of the 2019 Best Book in Experimental Research award by the
Experimental Research Section of the American Political Science
Throughout the world, voters lack access to information about
politicians, government performance, and public services. Efforts to
remedy these informational deficits are numerous. Yet do informational
campaigns influence voter behavior and increase democratic
accountability? Through the inaugural Metaketa Initiative, sponsored by
the Evidence in Governance and Politics (EGAP) research network, this
book aims to address this substantive question and at the same time
introduce a new model for cumulative learning that increases
coordination among otherwise independent researcher teams. It presents
the cumulative results (meta-analysis) from six independently conducted
but coordinated field experimental studies, the results from each
individual study, the findings from a related evaluation of whether
practitioners utilize this information as expected, and discusses
lessons learned from EGAP’s efforts to coordinate field experiments,
increase replication of theoretically important questions across
contexts, and increase the external validity of field experimental
data |
plans | coverage:
[article] Voter Information Campaigns and Political
Accountability: Cumulative Findings from a Preregistered Meta-analysis
of Coordinated Trials w/ Thad Dunning, Guy Grossman, Susan
Hyde, Macartan Humphreys, Craig McIntosh, Claire L. Adida, Eric Arias,
Clara Bicalho, Taylor C. Boas, Mark T. Buntaine, Simon Chauchard,
Anirvan Chowdhury, Jessica Gottlier, F. Daniel Hidalgo, Marcus Holmlund,
Ryan Jablonski, Eric Kramon, Horacio Larreguy, Malte Lierl, John
Marshall, Gwyneth McClendon, Marcus A. Melo, Daniel L. Nielson, Paula M.
Pickering, Melina R. Platas, Pablo Querubin, Pia Raffler, Neelanjan
Science Advances (2019;
Voters may be unable to hold politicians to account if they lack basic
information about their representatives’ performance. Civil society
groups and international donors therefore advocate using voter
information campaigns to improve democratic accountability. Such
interventions build on core assumptions of many theoretical models in
political science. Yet, are these campaigns effective? Limited
replication, measurement heterogeneity, and publication biases may
undermine the generalizability and reliability of bodies of published
research. We implemented a novel approach to cumulative learning,
coordinating on the design of seven randomized controlled trials to be
fielded in six countries by independent research teams. Uncommonly for
multi-site trials in the social sciences, we jointly pre-registered a
meta-analysis of results in advance of seeing the data. We find no
evidence overall that typical, non-partisan voter information campaigns
shape voter behavior, though exploratory and sub-group analyses suggest
conditions under which informational campaigns could be more effective.
Such null estimated effects are too seldom published, yet they can be
critical for scientific progress and cumulative, policy-relevant
| appendix
| data | pre-analysis plan
[article] Secular Party Rule and Religious Violence in
American Political Science
Review (2018; v112/n1; p49–67)
w/ Niloufer Siddiqui
Does secular party incumbency affect religious violence? Existing theory
is ambiguous. On the one hand, religiously-motivated militants might
target areas that vote secularists into office. On the other hand,
secular party politicians, reliant on the support of violence-hit
communities, may face powerful electoral incentives to quell attacks.
Candidates bent on preventing bloodshed might also sort into such
parties. To adjudicate these claims, we combine constituency-level
election returns with events data on Islamist and sectarian violence in
Pakistan (1988–2011). For identification, we compare districts where
secular parties narrowly won or lost elections. We find that secularist
rule causes a sizable reduction in local religious conflict. Additional
analyses suggest that the result stems from electoral pressures to cater
to core party supporters, and not from politician selection. The effect
is concentrated in regions with denser police presence, highlighting the
importance of state capacity for suppressing religious disorder.
| coverage:
[article] Do Parties Matter for Ethnic Violence? Evidence from
Quarterly Journal of Political
Science (2016; v11/n3; p249–77)
w/ Michael Weaver, Steven Rosenzweig
Ethnic group conflict is among the most serious threats facing young
democracies. In this paper, we investigate whether the partisanship of
incumbent politicians affects the incidence and severity of local ethnic
violence. Using a novel application of the regression-discontinuity
design, we show that as-if random victory by candidates representing
India’s Congress party in close state assembly elections between 1962
and 2000 reduced Hindu–Muslim rioting. The effects are large.
Simulations reveal that had Congress lost all close elections in this
period, India would have experienced 11 percent more riots. Additional
analyses suggest that Congress candidates’ dependence on local Muslim
votes, as well as apprehensions about religious polarization of the
electorate in the event of riots breaking out, are what drive the
observed effect. Our findings shed new light on parties’ connection to
ethnic conflict, the relevance of partisanship in developing states, and
the puzzle of democratic consolidation in ethnically divided societies.
| coverage:
[article] The Majority-Minority Divide in Attitudes Toward
Internal Migration: Evidence from Mumbai
American Journal of Political
Science (2017; v61/n2; p456–72)
w/ Nikhar Gaikwad
Rapid urbanization is among the major processes affecting the developing
world. The influx of migrants to cities frequently provokes antagonism
on the part of long‐term residents, manifested in labor market
discrimination, political nativism, and violence. We implemented a
novel, face‐to‐face survey experiment on a representative sample of
Mumbai’s population to elucidate the causes of anti‐migrant hostility.
Our findings point to the centrality of material self‐interest in the
formation of native attitudes. Dominant group members fail to heed
migrants’ ethnic attributes, yet for minority group respondents,
considerations of ethnicity and economic threat crosscut. We introduce a
new political mechanism to explain this divergence. Minority communities
facing persistent discrimination view in‐migration by coethnics as a
means of enlarging their demographic and electoral base, thereby
achieving “safety in numbers.” Our article sheds light on the drivers of
preferences over internal migration. It also contributes insights to the
international immigration literature and to policy debates over urban
| coverage: